A Free Thinker
Where does 'Free will' come from? 'Free will' is incompatible with the laws of physics - the best we can get, from quantum interactions, is randomness, and conscious behavior is very rarely random."
It states that this is basically down to random luck; and is a controversial concept, anyway. Life may exist in a vast array of cosmological arrangements given the right circumstances. And in no way proves the existence of a creator or cause of beforelife. The whole thing is random; we are here by a billion accidents of evolution and planetary formations, and given the vastness of the universe it's inevitable the conditions will be formed, now and then, for life to begin and survive and end.
As a free thinker, I have no problem in accepting that other people have the right to hold and practice whatever religious beliefs they wish but I do object very strongly to their claims to be the sole upholders of moral codes or behavior. For Buddhist, they will say their ways of living is the best, so too Christians and Muslims.
Most freethinkers are humanists, basing morality on human needs, and we also embraces a respect for our planet, including the other animals, and feminist principles of equality. Freethinkers know that meaning must originate in a mind. Individuals are free to choose, within the limits of humanistic morality. Some freethinkers find meaning in human compassion, social progress, the beauty of humanity (art, music, literature) , personal happiness, pleasure, joy, love, and the advancement of knowledge.
To those of us who reject faith, the idea that there is no God, we become we are incapable of behaving morally and all our way of leaving is just simply wrong. Our thinking has been rejected among society. It is the most offensive myth made by religion."
The best is to be a FREE-THINKER. Free to accept or reject. No particular faith to stuck to and hold on to blindly and assiduously. There is no proof or dis-proof about a 'supernatural' unseen being - whatever it is call! Man created all the various religions and thus created all their moral codes. Silly as some of them are. Free thinkers can also make their own moral code, which is more relevant to today worlds and principles.
View on Religion from the point of a free thinker
"Religion will be a powerful regulator of our actions, give us peace and tranquility within our minds, and render us benevolent, useful and beneficial to others." Religion is like a package - comes with good, bad, ridicularities, customs, superstitions, prejudice, irrelevance, spiritualism, sense and nonsense.
Which of these is the better person, I would ask? The freethinker who practices "Buddhist" values because he has decided of his own free will that kindness and consideration for others are the best way to live his life, or the believer, whose moral actions are carried out with half an eye on reward in Heaven or punishment in Hell? What worries me is the idea that a great many people need the threat of divine sanction or the promise of divine reward in order to behave well.
Let’s say in Buddhism, they are aiming to end the endless suffering of our soul ( called Nivanna ). That’s what they aim for and they want that reward. So they will need to follow the ways that Buddha instructed to get this.
Let say, you are a believer in a religion and therefore you have to be a faithful follower, which may not allow you to thinking freely! I can agree there is freedom to think but to think freely? Buddhism says we are able to choose freely rite? But did our environment, backgrounds, history give us a chance to think freely?
One of the more lousy aspects of religion (all religion not only Buddhism), is their attempts to brain-wash children from a very early age into believing in their religion. Many of the religious people who I know, when asked 'why are you religious?', reply 'It was the way I was brought up.' Many of them have not given this thought careful consideration as their religion was drummed into them at such a young and susceptible age.
Why can't religions let children reach adulthood before attempting to convert or persuade them? Because they know that their faiths are dependent on manipulating successive generations of children; who grow up and eventually contribute towards the faiths collection boxes of the RELIGION.
1 comment:
All u write by urself???Unbelievable!!!! my great buddy~~~ . Actually ..I don't understand all... stupid gurl..U are thinking about that at that time.. ANYWay..keep on writing..CHEERS..!
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